Intuitive Healer ABOUT

Channelled Energy Healer.

Selina McInnesIntuitive Healer


Selina McInnes Intuitive Healer




About Me

My strongest memory as a child was when my mother would carry me and I could see loved ones from the other side walking behind us and would talk to them, naturally I thought others could too and I didn’t realise  until I was a little older that not everyone has awoken yet to know they too can do this. During primary school I began to realise I could sense things about other people and see energy interacting between them and of course in my world this was normal and I simply didn’t know any better. I found I could communicate with animals, plants and feel the vibration of everything living or deceased in a way others around me couldn’t. And so my journey begins…

Moving into young adulthood I found it really difficult being able to fit in, and when one tunes in so strongly they can verbalise in a way that can seem odd. Due to this I couldn’t quite seem to find where I belonged and my heart would feel so strongly for others all I wanted to do was fix everyone I came in contact with.

For some time since my early teens to my mid twenties I shut myself off from my gifts out of fear, although it was always calling me and my inner world didn't match my outer world. I always felt there was something more, this couldn't be it... I could feel it was so much bigger but felt by shutting off life would be easier somehow. I now know this to be untrue and I continued to keep a part of myself involved by going to expos and meeting other like minded souls. I intuitively learnt how to read cards and involved myself with intuitive courses, but my biggest breakthrough came at a pivotal point in my life that was very difficult and personal to me. This situation pushed my being so strongly that my team (or guides) came to me so strongly I could no longer deny my abilities. As unfortunate as my situation was at the time it was also my greatest gift to opening a new pathway to my gifts. I no longer feared my abilities and now I am able to share my gifts in a safe and healthy way. I seek people who are willing to open themselves up and face their inner most vulnerabilities in order to seek change and healthier life decisions.

When I work with you in a session, all you have to do is lay back and simply allow me to work with you. During the session I join you on a journey of such depth that when we finish you will notice an immediate shift and before the session ends I will share all that I have seen and worked with. From my guides to yours we work as a team to get to core issues that most of us are unaware of yet somehow know something isn’t quite right. With your permission and vulnerability join me on a journey you won’t regret.

"What will be will be "

"I hope to create a safe space to facilitate your healing journey. Once you Unbelieve what you believed to be true, then and
only then can the healing process truly begin."




  • Usui Reiki Practitioner 
  •  Acutonics Student 
  • Colon Hydrotherapist
  • Pranic Healing
  • Beauty Therapist
  • Intuitive Medical Practitioners Course



  • WWVP (Working with Vulnerable People) accreditation 69757
  • WWCC (Working With Children Check Number) accreditation WWC0963122E


What are the five principles of Reiki?

These were given by Dr. Usui to his students, perhaps to teach them that physical healing is not complete without the healing of a person’s whole life. In their most usual version in English, they are:

Just for today, do not worry,

Just for today, do not anger,

Honour your parents, teachers and elders,

Earn your living honestly,

Show gratitude for every living thing.

- Seemingly simple, but not so easy to live by!



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